Mommy Must Haves!
Twitter: @VegasInza
InstaGram: InzaMarie
I had NO idea I needed these!
I had seen a few ladies talking about “stroller clips” . I had no idea what these magical things were. I had a Mommy Hook which I used on a daily basis. The main problem with the Mommy Hook was it didn’t tend to stay in one place. Sometimes it would fall all the way to one side and down the frame of Kennady’s Bugaboo stroller. The Mommy Hook also places all the weight in one area of the stroller frame which worried me.
I was in one of my JuJuBe fan club groups and they were talking about custom stroller clips. I contacted the wonderful Naomi Vick via Facebook and placed my order for Lilac Lace stroller clips. I thought they’d be cute to have. Little did I know how much I would fall in love with these. They keep the weight of my bag distributed evenly on my stroller frame. I can also use them on shopping carts. Kennady is still in her infant seat. I put her infant seat inside the shopping carts (NEVER on top). My bag normally ends up in the seat of the basket taking up much needed shopping cart room. With these clips my bag hangs from the shopping cart handle which also makes it convenient for me to get into my bag if need be.
So far I’ve used them with my JuJuBe BFF bag and my JuJuBe HoBoBe bag. It has worked great with both. I’m going to try it with my Coach bag next and see how it hangs.
Naomi’s page is :
Valentine Day
We spent a rather low key Valentines Day. Pretty much just hung out with the family and with my super adorable Valentine. We spent the day at the library helping my cousin with her homework. Which was fine with me. I got to spend the day with my baby princess so that was what mattered. It’s funny I bought her Valentines outfit and sleeper last year before she was born. They were on sale after Valentines Day for like $1.88. So of course I bought them. My family laughed at me. I never thought she’d still fit into them by the time her first V. Day rolled around. Back then my midwife was thinking Kennady was going to be 10 pounds or more at birth. She wasn’t even 7 pounds when she was born. She actually fit into preemie clothes when she was born. So she was a bit behind in “size” and she’s still playing catch up. As long as she’s healthy and happy I don’t care if she is a cute little shorty. Heck I’m short and I’m darn adorable lol
I hope everyone had a love filled Valentines day
MommyCon Chicago
Calling all Chicago mommies! MommyCon is coming your way. I’m blessed enough to be one of the MommyCon sisterhood journalists and I get to pass on my blessings to my readers. I’m offering $5 off general admission tickets to ANY and ALL MommyCon shows this year!!! I had so much fun at MommyCon when I went while I was pregnant. I got so much information that I didn’t even know existed. I was introduced to all things babywearing and cloth diapering.
About MommyCon: MommyCon is a boutique style convention dedicated to bringing modern parents and mothers-to-be together. Our focus is on natural and organic parenting methods and timeless tidbits as we journey through parenthood together. Our seminars and workshops include; babywearing, birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, car seat safety, natural health and medicine, baby gear, childproofing and so much more! We end our day with amazing giveaways and each attendee gets a gift bag from our sponsors.
The next show coming up will be held in Chicago on February 21, 2015.
MommyCon Chicago schedule link.
When does the guilt stop?
Any parent worth their weight in dirty diapers will tell you that guilt is part of the job. When you’re entrusted with the total care of another human being you are bound to make mistakes. I know for myself I have spent a number of sleepless crying nights staring at my daughter as she slept. Many times I’m not even sure what I’m crying over. I feel this overwhelming guilt like everything I do some how just isn’t right. My daughter is a happy healthy and 11 month old. At what point do we as mothers stop feeling the mommy guilt?
In my heart I know I have nothing to feel guilty about but when is my head going to understand? I’ve been by my daughter’s side since she was inside my belly. She is totally and utterly amazing. I’m blessed to get to nurture and witness her awesomeness. I logically have nothing to feel guilty about. I’ve been here since before day one to support and love her. That being said ……mommy guilt is very real….even if it’s all in our heads lol
I’m a Baby Steals Addict
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