After talking to a bunch of my baby wearing friends and watching a few too many YouTube videos I finally broke down and got a Moby wrap. I was slightly intimidated at first. It’s a lot of fabric when you take it out of the package. I mean A LOT. I got mine at a consignment shop for $20. I figured for $20 if Kennady doesn’t like it then I’m not out much. So I rushed home , washed it, pulled up a YouTube and started to wrap. After about 6 minutes I had finished my first official Moby baby wrap!! It was a lot easier than I thought. The size of the fabric can be off putting. I’m used to structured carriers so this was all very new to me. I had held off on buying a cloth wrap because I was always afraid they weren’t secure and Kennady might fall. Even after my very first wrap I felt like Kennady was very secure and wasn’t going to fall. I even took my hands away from holding her and felt totally ok with it. I shocked myself. My main reason for buying the wrap was to be able to do hands free nursing. Today I shall try a nursing wrap when she’s a bit too tired to fight me. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes.