Today my lil booboo got her 4 moth shots. I made the mommy choice to spread them out a bit more just for my own comfort not because I’m some freako lol. Before we went to get Kennady’s shots I had to stop by urgent care because my wrist is messed up. They put me in a brace which has been a pain in the tushy and it’s only been 12 hours. Seems I hurt my wrist due to the way I hold Kennady when she nurses. It’s her comfy position. So anyway back to shot day. We got to the office like 30 minutes early because I’m slightly anal and her Dr makes you wait a long time if you’re late. While we were waiting I nursed Kennady totally uncovered *gasp*. A young couple came in with a tiny 5 day old baby. By this time Kennady was asleep. The mom went out to put the stroller in the car , my mom and her BFF helped her fold the stroller. She had no idea what she was doing. It was kinda cute and refreshing. It’s funny how much we as moms learn in a short amount of time.
The girl came back into the office and sat down. She started asking tons of new mom questions. Turns out the doctor had already told her to supplement with formula at FIVE DAYS OLD!! Gosh give the poor girl and the baby a chance to get the hang of the whole nursing thing. I told her to be firm with the doctor and stick to what she believes as long as it doesn’t compromise the health of her baby. I’m not anti formula I am however anti trying to force women to use it by scaring them. We waited and waited and waited. We got called in around 3:30pm (Our appointment was at 2:45 ). We went in. They did the normal length and weight (11 pounds and 21 1/4 inches). The doctor was very happy with her progress. he said she’s a tiny baby but gaining weight in a steady manner. I am 5’2” and her donor is shorter than I am so her height well she just might be a shorty witch is OK since she’s a girl lol. THEN CAME THE SHOTS!!! Eh it wasn’t so bad or at least Kennady didn’t seem to act like it was too bad. She got one oral vaccine , two shots in one leg and one shot in the other. she didn’t cry too much until the last shot. I scooped her up and gave her lots of mommy cuddles. She went to sleep for a bit then was up to play. Now she’s snug in her bed and I’m off to dream land myself. Well off to dreamland after I pump. My boobs hurt!!
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