I’m not sure I’ve posted about this before but Kennady has sever eczema. Aquaphor has been a life saver. It’s funny I got these little sample tubes of Aquaphor in my welcome kit from Target for making my baby registry there. I tested one and was like ewwww this stuff is thick!! I had no idea that months later I would be spending a good deal of money buying it to make my daughter’s skin stop itching , cracking and peeling. I feel so horrible when I watch Kennady just scratch and scratch and scratch.
I’m a lover of all things budget friendly. I emailed the company that makes this wonder goop asking if they had any coupons for parents of children with eczema. What I got was amazing. Not only did they sent 7 coupons (6 for $3 off one jar and 1 for one FREE jar) but they invited Kennady to be part of their Medical Donation Program. Being part of the donation program means Kennady will get a CASE of Aquaphor every 3 months. I had her doctor fill out all the required paper work and emailed it in. A week later FedEx delivered Kennady a case of Aquaphor. It’s the most amazing thing ever. I’m truly blessed. Jars normally run $14.99 on sale to $19.99 full price. That saves me between $190 and $239. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again as a single mom I REALLY have to make my money stretch on things we need and Aquaphor is a true need for Miss Kennady. Bless the good hearted people who make Aquaphor for starting a program that helps so many people. Thank you!
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