So yeah it's that season again.... CONSIGNMENT SALES!!!
Normally I just shop at consignment sales but this time I actually tagged all of the stuff Kennady doesn't use and sold it! I was shocked at myself. I couldn't find much I wanted to keep. Now I wont lie I DID buy a few things but at both sales I sold more than I bought so I think I did good. The first sale I sold all the larger items. Things like jumpers, recline sleeper ,play yards, swings ect. I'm that mom who has two sets of everything. One for up stairs and one for down stairs. I also had a swing in my bathroom so I could shower and Kennady wouldn't freak out. Yeah Yeah yeah bad mommy lol I also sold literally 80 bottles and 50 pacifiers all brand new in the package. Kennady has never really been a bottle or pacifier baby. The second she latched on at the hospital that was pretty much it. So all the bottles I was gifted or got on my own sat here having never been used for over a year. So they all went!
The second sale I did all clothes. I washed , ironed and tagged over 400 clothing items. So yeah maybe I do have a shopping problem lol. Each item had to be tagged and put on a hanger. I had to make 2 trips to Target to get more baby hangers. I had no idea Kennady had so much stuff. Everything she had out grown I put in plastic totes and shoved under my bed. Out of sight out of mind. Doing that helps me not address my shopping habit.
These pictures are from batch one of separating and tagging on night one. By night two I was so tired I forgot to take more pictures. It took my mom and I 4 days to tag everything.
and here's all that was left out of 400+ items
I don't think I did too badly. Granted almost everything was listed for $2 just to get the stuff gone. We sold 4 onesies for $2 and on Sunday it was 4 onesies for $1. I just needed the stuff gone to make room for Christmas stuff lol I forgot to take pictures of the first sale because I was so stressed trying to get 100 large items tagged and organized for that sale. Now that I know what I'm doing it's so much less stressful. Tho I still hate tagging clothes.
These sales helped me out so much when Kennady was first born. My mom asked why I was pricing things so low and I told her I hoped that low prices could or would help out a single mom like me trying to do her best for her baby. I even donated a few items in hopes of helping a mom in need. Granted I've had amazing support since forever from my family but it's still great to get good deals on items and not have to spend an arm and a leg. It frees up money for other things like lights, water and gas. *wink*
If you'd like to know about sales in your area check out