Maternity Shoot!!!


I’ve given up a lot of the “special” extras with this pregnancy seeing that I have been fully supporting it on my own. I had picked out a great photographer to do my maternity photos. She was $700. Which from my understanding wasn’t too bad for everything I got. I even got a canvas print. Well I owe $990 on the furniture so that $700 is better left for the furniture instead of pictures. I went to the mall to go make a payment on the furniture and 2 stores down I saw a photo studio. I went in just to see if they even did maternity photos and sure enough they did. The price was only $70. I got 3 poses and 4 sheets of pictures. That doesn’t sound like a lot but up against what everyone else wanted it was a good deal. The lady who runs the place said just what I needed to hear just when I needed to hear it. She said that she was going to “bless” me with an extra sheet as part of their holiday special. At that point I needed any and all blessings. Even if it was just a sheet of pictures. So I booked my shoot and put down my $10 deposit. 

The day of the shoot came and I was just dragging my ass. I called and asked could I move the shoot from 12:30pm to 1:30pm just to give me an extra hour to get myself together. I had gone out searching for pinup outfits for the shoot and everything. I had props and all sorts of stuff. I get there 15 minutes late. My mom and I sit down and look at the photo sample books and found a few ideas we liked. Turns out the I misunderstood the girl when booking and I didn’t get 3 outfit changes just 3 poses. I didn’t need to stress about my clothes at all. The catch was if I used their wraps I didn’t have to pay extra for outfit changes. I used the wraps of course. HeeHee. The photographer made me feel pretty and I had a lot of fun. I’ll get the pictures on the 9th. I can’t wait to see them and share them with everyone. I’m glad I didn’t have to fully give up this “special” extra item during my pregnancy.

photo (7)

30 weeks day 6

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