It's Ok....

I've been sitting here reading through my Facebook timeline and shaking my head. First off when will people understand that babysitting isn't "raising" someone's child? When will they get there's so much more that  goes into parenting than just watching a kid. Worrying where that child's next meal is coming from isn't something a babysitter is worried about. Paying for medical insurance isn't something a babysitter is worried about.  OK now on to the point of this post.....

I literally read someone's post today that made me gasp and laugh. Someone who is child free and NOT a parent ,no matter how many babies she's babysat or "raised".  She was going on and on about how when she has kids she wont ever call anyone for help because she knows what to do and as parents people should know what to do with their kids. She acted as if those who do ask for help are some how failures or bad parents. Statements like these are why so many parents are embarrassed to ask for help. There is nothing wrong with a parent asking for help when they need it. Asking for help is in no way a failure. My family STILL helps me. They have been a God send and I'm not embarrassed to say so. Sometimes asking for help is the only way parents stay sane. In the old days the saying was "It takes a village..." Now days these parents are too busy  trying to live up to what they see on social media. People only put what they want you to see on social media. Kind of like how all the models on magazines are photoshopped. People only want to put out the best. So many don't post pictures or status updates about their moms watching their kids while they work or while they go shopping. Why? Because moms should never ask someone to help them. It's just insane.

Parents ask for all the help you need your child will thank you.

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