Dunkin' Donuts

To the amazing lady I met in Dunkin' Donuts almost 2 years ago now while I was pregnant. You were a nice lady with a kind face. You asked could you touch my overly round baby bump. Something in your eyes told me that you needed this. You told me your story about trying to conceive for a number of years and I shared my story. I tried my best to put forth a message of hope for you and your journey. I think of you every
time I drive by that DD. I often wonder if you have been able to live your dream of becoming a mother. I've prayed many times for you and your struggles. Being blessed to be a mother has been by far the most amazing thing ever. I do pray they you are able to live your own blessing. There was something about you that stuck in my heart. If you have yet to have your beautiful baby PLEASE do not give up. God has a special plan for you. God used you to remind me how truly blessed I am. 
For that I am thankful.

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